Sai cos'e'un profilo di PVC estruso?

Data di rilascio:2020-09-09


Do you know what an Extruded PVC Profile is?

? Obtained by means of the extrusion process (which turns PVC powder into profiles of different geometries, whether solid or tubular), the extruded PVC profiles are produced using a high-capacity press, which acts on PVC powder (composite object " pvc " , in cylindrical shape) with high pressure and temperature, forming the same through an extrusion die, which makes the PVC powder and other additive that passes through it take the specific shapes of that die.

See some characteristics of the Extruded PVC Profiles Shangyu :

✅ It can be a structural, decorative component or even both;
✅ Resistant;
✅ Durable;
✅can replace part of the aluminum profiles and steel.
✅ Flexible

Follow and know the Shangyu PVC Tubes and its several advantages!

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Dongguan Shangyu Plastic hardware Products Co. LTD

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